Gorky Media
I was mentioned in the article at the Gorky Media for the TELEPHONE, International Arts Experiment.
Read the full article here: https://gorky.media/news/hudozhniki-iz-72-stran-prevratili-knizhnuyu-tsitatu-v-muzykalnuyu-pesu/
I was mentioned in the article at the Gorky Media for the TELEPHONE, International Arts Experiment.
Read the full article here: https://gorky.media/news/hudozhniki-iz-72-stran-prevratili-knizhnuyu-tsitatu-v-muzykalnuyu-pesu/
My artwork was selected for the twelfth issue of Juste Milieu an International Literary Zine.
Juste Milieu was created to give independent writers a space to have their words published, in print. Juste Milieu shares the work of poets, storytellers, photographers, and illustrators. The juste milieu, the happy medium, between reality and art.
Digital and printed copies are available in the shop at justemilieuzine.com.
Check out their Instagram: @justemilieuzine
And read more about Juste Milieu: https://www.justemilieuzine.com/
My artwork was published on the pages of Riot and Roux! Magazine, Issue 1 “FIRE”.
Riot and Roux! is an independent quarterly publication that believes food is political. Riot and Roux! is about food, power, and social change and aims to explore the intersections of those subjects.
Check out their Instagram @riotandroux and website for more information.
Excited to share that my artwork have been featured in an article on Avilescultura.com.
Read more about 5th International Avilés Mail Art Exhibition: ‘La Tierra’ here: https://kroshilova.art/journal/5th-international-aviles-mail-art-exhibition-la-tierra/
I’m excited to have been selected for the second issue of Backslash Lit Magazine.
You can see my work HERE.
Backslash Lit is an online literary magazine seeking to publish electronic literature: creative works that use computational and electronic mediums as an art form. They seek to challenge the line between STEM and the arts and publish what cannot be traditionally printed on paper. This magazine is for the interdisciplinary and antidisciplinary, for the experimental and unconventional, for all that calls into question what art really means.
Check out Backslash Lit on Instagram.
Riot and Roux! selected my artwork for their first issue, “FIRE”.
Pre-order issue one now. Ships early December.
Riot and Roux! is an independent quarterly publication that believes food is political. Riot and Roux! is about food, power, and social change and aims to explore the intersections of those subjects.
Learn more: https://www.riotandroux.com/ & https://www.instagram.com/riotandroux/
My painting “Albert” was published on the pages of Average Art Magazine #37(August).
Average Art is an industry-focused art zine. Their goal is to draw attention to self-representing artists. The zine was started in August 2016 and has gone from strength to strength since then.
Link: https://www.averageart.co.uk/index.html
My painting “Blackberry Ice cream” was published on the pages of Polemical Zine Issue 10: Sweet – Vol. 1.
You can see my work on page 60.
Link: https://issuu.com/mclarenrebecca/docs/sweet1/60