Microtopies 2021

My sound work “Outdoor dining” was included in the album “Microtopies 2021”.

This is the tenth album of the ‘Microtopies’ global call. The Microtopies are sonic miniatures that shape a special edition of the Música i Geografía (Ràdio Gràcia, Barcelona) radio show, produced weekly by Gràcia Territori Sonor.

The aim is to make a sonic route through a map of randomly assigned events, since the pieces received have been included in strict order of reception.

This year have been received 78 pieces from 44 towns and cities from 17 countries, three more than the record established in 2018.

You can listen to this incredible album here: https://graciaterritorisonor.bandcamp.com/album/microtopies-2021-78-miniatures-de-m-sica-i-geografia
Listen to “Outdoor dining” here:
Música i Geografía radio show (06/17/2021): https://www.enacast.com/radiogracia/programs/musicaigeografia/radiogracia_podcast_1553

Gràcia Territori Sonor is a non-profit-making association, responsible for the organization of several activities about the experimental music based in Barcelona, among them, the international meeting LEM.
Read more about Gràcia Territori Sonor: http://www.gracia-territori.com/ and check out their Instagram @graciaterritorisonor

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